Thursday, February 19, 2015

Organic Gardening Has Never Been This Easy!
Organic Gardening Has Never Been This Easy!
Organic gardening has became popular from people who no longer wish to consume produce that has been treated with chemicals and pesticides, which can damage the environment and a person's health. A lot of organic horticulture strategies are cheap. Here are some suggestions on helping you to become a organic horticulture professional.

Trying to shovel through clay soil can be extremely difficult and tiresome. To make your digging project easier, apply a coat of automobile wax to your shovel first and then buff it lightly. By waxing the shovel head, the clay will be unable to adhere to the surface.

The garden with a foundation of healthy soil is the best defense against pests. If you create healthy plants, they are going to be stronger and therefore, less likely to succumb to diseases and insects. So if you would like your garden to provide plants that are as healthy as possible, you need a good quality soil that contains few chemicals and that can accumulate salts over time.

There's no need for chemical intervention if you discover powdery mildew on leaves. A great home cure is to mix baking soda with water and a little bit of liquid soap. Spray the mixture on the plants once every 7 days or so until you no longer see the mildew. This method is not going to cause any damages to your plants and the mildew will go away slowly.

Fill your garden with bulbs if you want to enjoy beautiful flowers through the spring and into summer. Planting and growing bulbs is very easy, and once planted the bulbs will grow for years. Include a variety of plantings to get a full season of flowers, from early bloomers to late-season varieties.

You can prevent pests from invading your garden with certain plants and natural materials. Plant marigolds or onions around other vegetables to keep slugs away from them. Keep insects away from shrub and tree seedlings with mulch containing wood ash. These methods prevent use of harsh chemicals.

Begin to use these tips to grow your own organic food and help preserve the environment. When your garden is working with nature, you can also expect to see an increase in the amount of wildlife that inhabits your garden.

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