Tuesday, March 24, 2015

15 Days to a Bigger Email List and More Results - 15 days of expert lessons

15 Days to a Bigger Email List and More Results - 15 days of expert lessons
Building a list is crucial for every online business.

Here’s why…

It can grow your audience, help you sell more products and provide a valuable resource at your fingertips for your long-term planning and growth.

Don’t be sceptical - Here’s why you should start building a list today.

According to recent research, every $1 spent on email marketing gives a 4000% return! And smaller businesses can get even better results than that because we don’t have the overhead large companies do.

It’s Inexpensive: Not only does it produce a high ROI, it’s also very inexpensive to get started. All you need is some software, so you can deliver emails and you’re good to go.

Email allows you to send highly targeted, highly personalised messages.

Email is Commercial by Nature: People EXPECT pitches and advertisements in their email. This is unlike blogs or social media where people prefer a more content-rich experience.

15 Days That Could Change Everything.

Click here for your free 15 day e-course. It includes the most practical, interactive and results-focused opportunity possible, so you can ensure your mailing lists are the most powerful asset your business owns.

Get started today! - http://www.15dayemaillistchallenge.com/

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