Monday, May 11, 2015

Everything You May Have Wondered About Gardening
Everything You May Have Wondered About Gardening
There is no better time than right now. You undoubtedly have numerous questions about how to begin and when to do what, but have no fear, this article will address all of your gardening queries. Below are several gardening tips and techniques that you can implement immediately to be a more effective and successful gardener.

Find some plants that will give you a higher yield. If yield is important, choose hybrids designed to resist cold and diseases rather than traditional varieties.

When winter comes around, save some plants by putting them in the house. You might want to transplant your most valuable varieties. Be careful not to damage the root system as you dig up the plant, and place it in a pot.

If you want flowers in spring and summer, plant bulbs in the garden. Bulbs are hardy, easy to grow into flowers, and will blossom for several years. Different types of bulbs bloom at different times, so if you choose appropriately, you can have blooms from early spring to late summer.

The approach of fall means you need to start planting autumn goodies. This year, instead of using your regular clay pots to plant your kale and lettuce, use a pumpkin as the container instead! To use the pumpkin as a planter, it is important to prevent it from rotting. To do this, you simply spray the entire inside and any edges with a gardening spray called Wilt-Pruf. This is done after you've opened the pumpkin at the top and removed the insides. Once you have completed this, start planting!

You should divide irises. Try increasing your stock by dividing your overgrown clumps of plants. If you find any dead irises in your garden, immediately pull up the bulbs. The iris bulbs should easily split apart in your hand. Once you replant them, they will have a good flower show the following year. Utilize a knife if you are trying to divide rhizomes. You can trim new pieces away from the outside of the bulbs and then simply throw the old center away. Be sure to retain a sturdy offshoot on every piece that you intend to plant. The quicker you can replant your cuttings, the better chances they will reappear next season.

You should now be more knowledgeable about gardening. You though you had mad skills before. Now you have insane skills! The ideas within this article have hopefully gotten your enthusiasm up for some wonderful horticulture adventures of your own!

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