Saturday, March 14, 2015

Why Is Your Partner Pulling Away?
Why Is Your Partner Pulling Away?
Focus on your partner too much, and he or she may run for the hills or pull back indefinitely. Instead, learn how to ease into a relationship and give your partner the essentials he or she needs respect, love and feeling like your equal.
It's Too Much Too Soon
* Go into a relationship slow and steady too fast and too intense will likely push away your partner.
* Focus on balancing your time with a new love interest to time away on your own. If intense feelings of love or lust are popping up, force yourself to take a breather; it will be worth it in the long run.
* Your partner may feel trapped, confined or that he or she is losing his or her identify if your relationship moves too quickly. Imagine a boat going full speed ahead; if it doesn't take the time to have all of its necessary equipment for safety, it is likely to turn over and go under.
* Make a commitment of "checking in." Focus not only on your emotions, but also your partner's. Is he or she pulling away? Look back in the last few days at things that were said or done that may have frightened your partner.
Your Partner Is Not Ready to Take the Plunge of Commitment
* Are you and your partner's goal of commitment the same or out of sync?
* Focus on learning what your partner wants in a relationship, and confirm what you want with yourself. Are you in line, or do you have different relationship goals?
* Once you have the chance to talk with your partner, ask what's up. How is your partner feeling? Is there something you could do to answer his or her questions or fears?
* Learn about his or her recent past. How long was his or her last breakup? What is he or she looking for now?
Your Partner Enjoys Being Single
* Does your partner care more about being single and "playing the field" than diving into a relationship with you?
* Focus on learning what you can about your partner and letting them know you take it day-by-day no pressure!
* Does your partner love his or her freedom? Look for clues (don't bombard him or her with questions constantly or your partner will feel like he or she's being accused or in an interview) that suggest your partner loves being on his or her own. For example, making plans for the weekend with his or her friends with no invitation for you to go along, acting "unavailable," or calling you late at night for a "quickie" but not inviting you to stay the night.
* Make your needs known and your feelings apparent. Then give your partner space to figure out what he or she wants.
Your Partner Doesn't Feel Like Your Equal
* Focus on treating your partner with respect, love, thoughtfulness and validation.
* If your partner doesn't feel you respect and value him or her, pulling away is common.
* Bring your partner back by showing him or her through your actions and words that you value his or her input, you respect his or her opinion, etc
. You're Not Respecting Your Partner
* Respect your partner by asking for his or her opinion, stand by his or her side when he or she wants to change careers or body, etc.
* Focus on being positive and validate your partner's feelings.
* Show up to the relationship every day; don't interrupt your partner while he or she talks, actively listen, choose to be joyful about his or her choices, stop multitasking when he or she needs your help with something and don't criticize or nag.
In a relationship, there can be many reasons for someone who feels the need to pull away emotionally. Make sure that you take your relationship at a slow enough pace so your partner doesn't feel boxed in and that you spend time enjoying learning to trust, respect and honor him or her so that your partner doesn't feel uncomfortable in any way.

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